See the JSON API error spec and examples.


LeafLink API errors deviate from JSON API errors in two ways:

  1. LeafLink APIs do not wrap request bodies in the data top level key. Thus, error source.pointer properties will never begin with /data/, they will begin with /.
  2. Error responses will return a Content-Type of application/json, not application/vnd.api+json. This is because we do not strictly meet the JSON API error spec.


Error title properties should always be the same for the same error type. Example:

// No
    "errors": [
            "title": "Product #123 not found."
            "title": "Order #456 not found."

// Yes
    "errors": [
            "title": "Not found.",
            "detail": "Product #123 could not be found."
            "title": "Not found.",
            "detail": "Order #456 could not be found."